Rethinking Leadership Development

Jan 14, 2022. Why is it that while we often intent to change something - externally or within - we do not succeed in effectuating that change?

Our partners from Evolute Institute are giving a new answer to a perennial question of how to promote development and growth of leaders, of how to get unstuck, of how to really learn how to embrace new perspectives and become more empathetic, of how to connect to our deepest longing and true purpose.

Evolute Institute just launched a new 5-week hybrid leadership development program called EvoLEAD, exclusively for decision-makers and people in positions of high responsibility. EvoLEAD leverages altered states of consciousness (AST) to promote growth and development - such as meditation, mindfulness, breath work and - in a safe and legal setting in the Netherlands - psychedelic truffles. It’s a truly innovative approach to personal and leadership development - check it out here: “EvoLEAD”.